Path of Law


Launch of the “Consequence” initiative

Recently, the new RA authorities marked their one-year anniversary. During that time, the state politics in Armenia, in spite of the slogans of the ruling power, widely includes tools that openly infringe the law, generally not aimed at overcoming the...

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Launch of the “Consequence” initiative

Recently, the new RA authorities marked their one-year anniversary. During that time, the state politics in Armenia, in spite of the slogans of the ruling power, widely includes tools that openly infringe the law, generally not aimed at overcoming the...

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Announcement about the launch of “Path of Law” NGO

A reliable, strong, modern  and efficient civil society is one of the fundamentals of  any democratic state. The Armenian civil society, passing a thirty-year path of development and consistence, making significant success, is currently at a transitional stage. As a...

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